Tuesday 10 April 2012


I found some really fascinating videos on the effects media has on young girls. It makes me SO frustrated. If during my life, I could change one thing, I want to show people that they are worth so much. 

In D&C 18:10 we read, "Remember the Worth of Souls is great in the sight of god" 

Girls: Your soul is the most beautiful part of you, Don't tarnish your soul by letting what everyone else thinks rule your self-worth. You are important.
Boys: I wish boys would stop reiterating and repeating everything we hear from the media. As a girl, I already hear a thousand times a day that I need to be skinny and beautiful from media, magazines, and the mirror. The last thing girls need is for the men in their life to only care about phisical appearances.

Yup... These videos basically say everything else that should be said :) 

Creative Portfolio

So as some of you know, I recently applied to the Creative Track in advertising. Here is my portfolio that I sent in. I really wanted to make something special so I came up with a concept for a book, placed all of my work in it, then got it printed out into a hardcover book. At the end of the book I put in a link to some of my other work including videos which I display on this page: http://beccasoup.blogspot.com/p/advertisements.html

Here are the pages. Hopefully I'll make it in cross my fingers :)

(as always... click on a picture to view slideshow style)